Happy first day of spring!!!
WOW I cannot believe Easter is right around the corner I have to get busy making out special order items so I can get pics and post them. I wanted to share a bit of farm life today and some baking I did yesterday. I had a very stressful day Saturday and came home from work and sat in the sun in the pasture with my kids out there. They all were around me including the alpacas which usually doesnt happen too often, they are usually off somewhere else.
Little Dennis the Menace curled up next to Curly and slept there while I sat on the ground looking at a magazine I bought. Bella came and laid next to me, I love my Nannies they are just so sweet and compassionate unlike the boys who tend to be a bit obnoxious! LOL Dennis is actually becoming sweeter.
Little Harley came up to me but not he still is a bit leary but getting more social I cant believe in May he will be a year old already.
Mr. Sporty is so nosey he kept trying to get my magazine and pulling on the arm of my jacket. But he is a sweetheart, Bailey is in the backround munching on hay.
At work on Saturday for St Pattys day I made all the kids working some shamrock floats. Lime sherbert, vanilla ice cream, sprite and a touch of green whipped cream and they were pretty and yummy!! Really nice and refreshing.
I also played around with making a rainbow cake, it was fun I decided to do a bundt cake since those are my absolute favo to do. I added naturally made icing coloring to each, and layered them in the pan. Now I should have swirled them a bit or make another color to add to it. I am thinking of doing pastels for an Easter springy one. Vanilla with a touch of orange essence and fresh orange zest was the glaze on top, and some farmgirl bling was the pastel colored sprinkles.
And the finished cake sliced up. People liked it a lot and it really did look pretty with all the colors.
I also made one into a tye dye cake with maraschino cherry buttercream, and used the juice from the cherries to make a syrup that I brushed over the cake before frosting. OH my goodness this was yummy! I like the taste of this better than the bundt cake one.
For St Patricks day lunch I made sausage and cabbage soup with some caraway seeds and fresh herbs that was nice and chunky and flavorful
Our Tank! Sleeping on my lap. Such a love bug!! LOve this kid!!
And of cource I had to do something different with the donuts so made a maple infused glaze and topped with crumbled crisp bacon pieces. Yummy yummy!!
this is steamed broccoli, carrots, red peppers, celery, onions, and spinach along with lentils and some fresh herbs and topped with mozzarella and cheddar cheeses. I really never liked lentils at all, I think for me its a texture thing. but this was pretty yummy I would eat this with some fresh tomato slices.
WOW I cannot believe Easter is right around the corner I have to get busy making out special order items so I can get pics and post them. I wanted to share a bit of farm life today and some baking I did yesterday. I had a very stressful day Saturday and came home from work and sat in the sun in the pasture with my kids out there. They all were around me including the alpacas which usually doesnt happen too often, they are usually off somewhere else.

I am off to work a bit outside hopefully it has warmed up with the sun out a little it was so cold this morning. I have the day off and am planning on not leaving the house at all1! LOL we will see!! There is so much clean up to do from this winter, the branches and limps from the high winds we had have made a mess in the yard and then of cource the mounds of dirt and gravel from plowing allo ver that need to be raked!! Always something to be done and I want to start on making our raised beds boxes for planting. yikes!! Market will be starting in a month and that is just craziness~
This was an experiment that actually I was impressed with. Gluten Free lentil vegetable bake topped with

Have a great day and be back soon.