Yesterday actuall was nice out pretty windy but the sun came out and it wasnt too cool. I am so glad as some of the towns around had trick or treating and in Saugatuck/Douglas they had the halloween parade for everyone! We have gone before and loved seeing everyone dressed up and having a terrific time but I was so beat I ended up goin to bed pretty early. It was our last sat market in South Haven and there was only 3 of us but alot of people knew about us being there and we had alot of drive bys that stopped in to see what we were doin there.
So this week I start my craft shows and change hats a bit... I am planning on makin more mixes up and also prepackaged cookies and chocolate treats, fudge, pretzels, turtles and some truffles for my show next sat. I am splitting a big booth with my friend who makes all herbal teas and soaps and herbal salves (which by the way are awesome) She gave me a cold remedy salve and I have been using it faithfully the last week as I have really started gettin that dang cold, yukky feelin. And being out in the cold wet weather for market thurs didnt help it along at all it was sooooooo cold but it was our last one there too so I just "cowgirled up" and dealt with the elements as best I could. Yepper we did some complainin but we made it thru just fine.
I hope yall have a wonderful day and enjoy the last of our fall as next week they are predictin ....................yepper I know that yukky S*** word **** actually I love the s.n.o.w. but just not ready quite yet maybe in a few weeks though. LOL
Talk to yall soon!!
ps. we are gonna be in St Joseph MI at the american legion for the show sat. They have over a hundred booths I hear!! Stop on by for some samples if yall are in or near that area!!
As always I enjoy reading your post so much and I hope the cold lets up so you can get ready for the show on saturday.
great post! always enjoy visiting!
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