I got almost 1/2 of the raking around the greenhouse and farmstand done today and got my first callous"s of the year today too!! Corn huskers lotion here i come!! If yall need something on callous or dry skin this stuff is the bomb!! hubby introd me to it when we were first dating , I would come home from working at the ranch all day cinchin up the saddles and have callous on my hands well being the loving caring guy he is he bought me a bottle of this amazing stuff and oh my goodness::: can u say relief!! it feels great and really does work super!! try it!
I am about ready to get planting in the greenhouse too, got my sugar snap peas, lettuce, spinach and some flower seeds that surely can go in. Even if it does get a bit cool a 100 watt bulb will keep them warm enough and they will be ready to go outside when it warms up and the ground is ready for the season!!
My hubby did a trash to treasure project today for himself, dang not for me!LOL , he is one creative guy!! no wonder we fit together like pbandj's LOL
I will share that with you when he finishes it up tonight. So very proud of him!!
The boys are playin and it is about time for Buster and mommy to go out and do evenin chores so hope yall have a peaceful realaxin night!! I am gonna after chores, and hauling in some wood for furnace and supper and finish up laundry!! makes me tired thinkin bout it all!!
1 comment:
Adorable card! Great Job! Kerrie
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