Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday storms

HEY EVERYONE!~! sorry I havent been here much this week!!  It was a rough week, my mom had some surgery on monday then tue one of their cats was sick and ended up having kitty leukemia which was unknown to us.   Domino was dropped off or ran away from his home in december.  He sat on thier front porch in a snowstorm so we let him in the house, he was a  gorgeous boy, black and white and very well fed and healty looking.  So each day he would come in eat and then want back outside.  He was the most affectionate loving cat we have had.  They asked a few neighbors and noone knew anything about him so they decided to keep him.  He went out and didnt come home for 3 days, my mom found him in the basement soaking wet and his head hanging down, she carried him in dryed him and laid him on the couch in a warm blanket.  He didnt want to eat but did drink up some chicken broth, he looked as though he dropped 80%  of his body weight.  We called and made an appointment with the vet asap, took him in, they wanted to keep him overnight on ivs and antibiotics. 
They called a little later and said the test for kitty leukemia came back positive and he had a very high temp, they said they believe he has had it for about a year or so and there was very little chance he would feel better and regain any strength.  Our only option was to put him to sleep.   We rushed back there to say our goodbyes and be with him his last minutes here.  This has been so hard on our family he brought so much love and joy to our home and has so touched our hearts.!!  I do believe though that he came to us to live his final few months in a loving home and he sure did!!  Everything happens for a reason and Domino sure knew he was at home with us!!

  I am posting all of this in hopes someone will read this and have their cats tested and vaccinated!! IF poor Domino would have been vaccinated he would be ok!!  The test isnt much at all only around $40.00.  PLEASE PLEASE I URGE YOU TO HAVE YOUR KITTIES VACCINATED!!  They dont deserve to suffer and go thru all the pain this relentless disease causes!!
WE miss you Domino!!
I will chat with yall soon we have to go pick up some plants and things for Mothers Day at the shop!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dominos last few months were spent surrounded by love. Somewhere in kitty cat heaven a little fuzzy baby is watching over you because of your kindness.